MassDREAMS™ (Delivering Real Equity and Mortgage Security)

MassDREAMS is not currently accepting new applications, as the program has committed all funds. To learn more about other programs for Massachusetts homebuyers, visit

About MassDREAMS™

MassDREAMS was made possible by federal funding from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, which provided assistance to states to mitigate the economic effects of the pandemic.

MassDREAMS was a Massachusetts program that provided down payment and closing cost grants to first-time homebuyers who met the program's eligibility criteria.

Down Payment Assistance from MassHousing

MassHousing continues to offer Down Payment Assistance of up to $30,000 in every city and town in Massachusetts. Learn more about Down Payment Assistance from MassHousing.

Why first-time homebuyers choose MassHousing

MassHousing's mission, products and people make us the perfect partner for first-time homebuyers in Massachusetts! Learn about who we are and how we can help you buy a home.