MRVP Set-Aside Initiative
MassHousing and the Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities (EOHLC) are launching a new initiative to increase the efficacy of the DMH/DDS Set-Aside and 3% Priority Programs by linking units with Project Based Massachusetts Rental Voucher Program (MRVP) Vouchers. The intent of this initiative is to increase the affordability of units, resulting in more referrals, faster lease ups, and more stable tenancies.
State-financed developments, including those financed by MassHousing, are required to set aside 3% of all low- and moderate-income units for referrals through the DMH/DDS Set Aside and 3% Priority Programs. For many developments, coming into full compliance is challenging as households that may be eligible for a Set-Aside unit are not referred due to their limited income. MassHousing and EOHLC have been working on ways to alleviate these challenges. EOHLC has agreed to set aside a significant number of Project-Based MRVPs to assist owners in their 3% Set-Aside compliance efforts.
The intent of the MRVP Set-Aside Initiative is to address affordability barriers for Set-Aside referrals from the Departments of Mental Health (DMH) and Developmental Services (DDS), Executive Office of Aging & Independence (AGE) and MassAbility. By linking the Set-Aside Programs to MRVP Project Based Vouchers, we have an opportunity to increase overall compliance and efficacy of the DMH/DDS Set Aside and 3% Priority Programs, allowing persons with disabilities to access housing they can afford, increase referral and occupancy rates for developments, and provide developments with additional subsidy payments.
MRVP Set-Aside Initiative Details
Vouchers issued for the DMH/DDS Set Aside and 3% Priority Programs will be MRVP Project Based. For updated information about eligibility, tenant rent share, and other information please review MRVP's Administrative Plan. MRVP PBVs are limited to the DMH/DDS Set-Aside and 3% Priority units and not generally available for other units at the development.
- The income limit for MRVP at initial occupancy is 80% AMI.
- MRVP does not verify citizenship or immigration status.
- MRVP PBV contract rents must be reasonable and are capped at 100% area-wide FMR. Rent increases can be requested annually.
- Households pay 30% of net income in rent.
Vouchers can be matched with a unit for a DMH/DDS/AGE/MassAbility referral in the following scenarios:
- A vacant or turnover unit
- A unit currently occupied by a DMH/DDS/AGE/MassAbility referral with an income at 80% AMI or below
- A mobile voucher, including a DMH RSP voucher and the tenant opts to swap the mobile voucher for a Project Based MRVP
When a DMH/DDS/AGE/MassAbility referred household moves out of a Project Based MRVP unit, the voucher will remain with the unit for the next referral. If the unit is not occupied by a DMH/DDS/AGE/MassAbility referred household, the Project Based MRVP will be transferred to the next available unit that is occupied by a DMH/DDS/AGE/MassAbility referred household.
When a development is no longer financed by MassHousing, and the Set-Aside obligation expires, the referred household may remain in the unit with the voucher, and the voucher will be subject 40T laws. If the household moves out, assuming all 40T obligations have been met, the voucher will be returned to EOHLC for reallocation.