Ready to buy a home in Massachusetts? Let’s get started!

Welcome to MassHousing! We help first-time homebuyers in Massachusetts achieve the dream of homeownership by offering affordable mortgage loans, down payment assistance and mortgage payment protection benefits to help pay your loan if you lose your job.

More than 90,000 Massachusetts residents have used an affordable MassHousing Mortgage to buy a home. You can do it, too!

Ready to buy a home in Massachusetts? Let’s get started!

Welcome to MassHousing! We help first-time homebuyers in Massachusetts achieve the dream of homeownership by offering affordable mortgage loans, down payment assistance and mortgage payment protection benefits to help pay your loan if you lose your job.

More than 90,000 Massachusetts residents have used an affordable MassHousing Mortgage to buy a home. You can do it, too!



  • 借款人应符合收入要求,不同区域和贷款计划的收入要求不同。
  • 我们为首套房购房者提供了许多计划,但是,若您已经拥有房产,我们也可提供了少数计划。
  • 还需要满足信用、收入和其他资格要求。


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麻州住房管理局同其他贷款人不同。 您需要知道以下信息:

  1. 麻州住房管理局同 80多家贷款合作方为马萨诸塞州的购房者提供贷款。
  2. 您可以选择一家经批准的贷款人申请麻州住房管理局抵押贷款。
  3. 贷款人会审查您是否有资格获得麻州房管局抵押贷款和首付款援助。
  4. 如果您符合资格,您应在购房过程中同贷款人合作,直至贷款结算。
  5. 结算后,麻州住房管理局将从贷款人处购买您的贷款,您应按月向麻州住房管理局偿付贷款。
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Affordable Mortgages and Down Payment Assistance

Down Payment Assistance from MassHousing

Down payment assistance is only available on MassHousing's affordable mortgage loans.

Job-Loss Protection Benefits with MI Plus

MI Plus logo

MassHousing mortgage insurance with MI Plus can help pay your loan if you lose your job.

Learn about the Homebuying Process

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